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Greetings from Italy/Europe!

Greetings from Italy/Europe!

We are just wrapping up the third tour of Italy in the last two years.

Most of the shows the last few months have been as an acoustic folk rock/Americana/indie folk duo. I am playing guitar and singing with a friend from Italy on piano and backing vocals. We are playing songs off the new album, songs from The Beautiful Sunsets catalog, At the Spine songs that transfer over well acoustically, and occasionally worthy traditional or cover songs. For some shows I’ve been joined by Milan based Steve on bass and Claudio on drums to play the high voltage rock/punk songs of At the Spine.

As the three-month stint of shows wraps up in Italy, the duo is headed into northern Europe to tour through the end of June, then I’ll back to the states for some summer shows in the USA, then back to Europe in the fall of 2015! Join me on Facebook for the most up to date tour schedule, show announcements, news, etc. Thanks for the continued support and we hope to see you somewhere in the near future.

In the meantime, here is a link to “Sinaloa”, the first track off the new and soon-to-be released album:

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News from September 2014!

Greetings from Seattle! I haven’t been spending much time on this website lately. It’s been a busy few years of playing music around the world supporting the double release of At the Spine‘s fifth and self-titled album, and The Beautiful Sunsets first album, Coalminers & Moonshiners. There were lots of great reviews of the albums and some good radio airplay around the country. Thanks to all the folks who booked us shows, hosted us, fed us and treated us so well the last few years. It’s been great meeting and playing shows with so many amazing people and seeing so many new places.


We’ve been recording new material down in Portland, and in the meantime I’m playing solo acoustic gigs weekly (or more often) around Seattle to keep the catalog fresh and work in the new songs. If you want to book me for a gig, festival, house party, etc., drop me an email at the contact page. In the meantime, keep well, keep in touch and enjoy the video we made for the often requested song “Crumble”:


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Welcome! Thanks for visiting!

Mike Spine has worked as a musician, teacher and humanitarian for the last 20+ years.

Since 2002 he has fronted the high energy rock/punk rock band At the Spine and played hundreds of shows across the US and Europe.

While living in Portland, OR in 1996 and playing in the punk rock/post punk band The Help, he founded Global Seepej Records, which was inspired by independent labels like Dischord Records (D.C.), Sub Pop (Seattle), etc., but with more of a leaning towards supporting artists involved with issues of social, economic and environmental justice.

In 2012, Mike coordinated the recording and release of the 5th and self titled album for At the Spine, and the debut album for the folk/folk rock/Americana band The Beautiful Sunsets, titled Coalminers & Moonshiners. He also spent a few years accidentally fronting the Crazy Horse inspired Neil Young tribute The My My Hey Heys, and the folk rock style The Neil Young Tribute, and has played in numerous other Seattle area bands (The Plains, Colin Spring, Titanium Sporkestra, etc.).

Since 2012, Mike has been touring extensively, performing in Asia, Europe, Central and South America, Australia and North America.

Thanks for your support and or the latest updates, click on the “recent posts” at the top right, or follow Mike on Facebook.

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